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What to Do If You Lose a Tooth? We Can Help With Crown And Bridge Treatment!

One of the most common dental issue is Missing tooth/teeth and DENTAL CROWNS AND BRIDGE is one of the reasonable and  reliable option to fix it .When we talk about Crown And Bridge Treatment, it means we are referring to a broad range of dental treatments. Unlike removable devices like dentures, both crowns and bridges are fixed prosthetic devices that are cemented onto existing teeth and can only be removed by a dentist.

When is crown and bridge treatment used or advised by a dentist?

Teeth are the strongest part of your body but they are prone to destructions. Accidents and injuries break or damage the teeth which spoil your oral functioning. The crown and bridge treatment replaces the missing teeth and rebuilds the damaged ones. And, eventually improves your smile.

Importance of crown and bridge treatment

The oral section of your body is structurally framed and dynamically balanced. If you have a look in the mirror, you will find that teeth are properly arranged so when even a single tooth is lost, the entire Occlusion is spoiled.

The primary focus of dental crowns is to improve the appearance, shape, and alignment of your teeth by fixing broken/chipped teeth, cover dental implant and always recommended after endodontic treatment to reinforce the brittle tooth structure after RCT.Bridges can replace missing teeth and avoid unnecessary tooth movement resulting in mispositioning of the teeth and in turn leading  gum issues. So, getting a crown and bridge treatment is important.

What are crowns and bridges made of?

Crowns and bridges are manufactured  using porcelain/ceramic, noble metals(gold), stainless steel, zirconia, and non-precious metals too.

The longevity of crown and bridge treatment 

The treatment is for a lifetime but only if you practice good oral health hygiene. If you stay careless towards your oral health, chances are you will lose or suffer from the loss of crowns and bridges due to secondary dental caries, toothfracture or gum diseases.

The best practice to follow for good oral health hygiene is brushing your teeth twice daily using fluoride toothpaste and flossing. Besides, you should see your dentist regular check-ups and professional cleanings.  

So once again, don’t be disappointed if you have a missing or chipped tooth, it definitely can be managed with a crown /bridge  with a complete resemblance to your natural dentition!!

Advantages Of Invisalign Trays Over Other Conventional Orthodontic treatments

For the people who wish to have a perfect and confident smile, there are quite a few treatments and methods due to development in the dentistry industry in order to make that wish come true. Out of all the options available nowadays, Invisalign has emerged to be a near-perfect solution to reposition improperly spaced teeth without involving any brackets or wires.

By getting Invisalign from reliable Invisalign service providers, you ensure that you get to eat, work, and interact with others in social situations without any worries, allowing you to smile freely and naturally.

Invisalign possesses many benefits for the person wearing it, including flexibility and comfort. Let’s talk about some of the advantages associated with Invisalign in a detailed manner below.

  • Natural appearance:
    One of the main significant Benefits That Invisalign has is that the Invisalign trays are invisible. They are entirely clear, making them not detract from your smile or face. This can work wonders for people of all ages, adults, teens, and young adults, who prefer to live their life without any brackets and wires in their mouth, like in the case of the traditional braces. Invisalign discretely treats maligned teeth without making it obvious to people around you!
  • Comfort:
    Invisalign trays are generally made up of smooth plastic which makes this method way more comfortable as compared to the traditional braces. These trays are devoid of any sharp edges and they are custom made in order to fit your mouth and teeth perfectly.
  • Improved cleanliness:
    Another benefit is that these trays are removable, so whenever you need to floss and brush your teeth you can simply remove these trays, clean your teeth, and then pop them back in their place. Moreover, you can also clean these trays. In order to make sure that there is no build up of small food particles, you need to just pull the trays out and rinse or brush them with your toothbrush.
  • Saves time:
    By choosing Invisalign treatment, you would be saving a lot of time as you would not need to visit your dentist’s office as regularly as you would have to with braces to change wires and/or broken/loose brackets. The Invisalign trays needs to be changed every 2 weeks and your dentist can give you the next series of aligners, saving you from the hassle of going if you are on vacation or are travelling.
  • Eat whatever you wish:
    One of the worst things to go through during the process of teeth straightening with most of the orthodontic options is the food restrictions it brings along with them. With most orthodontic braces, your favorite foods can be off limits, which tend to ruin your mood on special occasions. However, food is not off limits in the case of Invisalign trays though. You can simply remove these trays and eat whatever you wish and then just put them back in their place after you are done.

However, if you want to make sure that these Invisalign trays work efficiently, you must ensure that you get them from reliable specialized  clinics and well-reputed Invisalign service providers.

What You Need To Know About Root Canal Treatment

When your tooth gets badly decayed or infected, it can be repaired with the help of Root Canal Treatment (RCT). During this procedure, the infected nerve or pulp are removed and then the tooth is cleaned and shaped from inside tooth roots and then sealed with a medicated material. If not treated on time, the tissues surrounding the tooth also get infected and an abscess may develop. Thus, getting root canal treatment on time is very crucial for people who have an infected or grossly decayed tooth. 

In general, a root canal is the term used for the natural cavity present within the tooth center. The soft area within the root canal is the pulp or pulp chamber. Apart from the pulp, the root canal is also home to the tooth’s nerve. Once the tooth has emerged from the gum, it doesn’t play any significant role in terms of a tooth’s health and function other than allowing it to sense hot or cold material inside the mouth. 

Thus, if it is even removed during the treatment, there is no effect on the day-to-day functioning of the tooth.  

Why is it necessary to remove the tooth pulp or nerve after damage?

When the pulp or nerve is damaged, it starts disintegrating and bacteria begin to multiply inside the pulp. This can worsen the infection or lead to the abscessed tooth. When abscess occurs within the pulp, the infection starts spreading all the way across the ends of the tooth root. Thus, abscess and infection in the root of a tooth can result in:

  • Swelling that can reach other areas of the face, neck, or head
  • Bone loss around the root’s tip
  • Drainage problems, meaning a hole may form through the side of the tooth with drainage into the gums or through the cheek into the skin.

How does a tooth nerve or pulp get damaged in the first place?

The reason behind irritation, inflammation, and infection in the tooth nerve or pulp can be several, including deep decay, repeated dental procedures on a tooth, large fillings, crack in the tooth, chip in the tooth, or trauma in the face. 

What are the signs that you need root canal treatment?

While the right answer can be obtained through an experienced dentist or endodontist based on your tooth condition, here are a few signs that indicate you might need RCT. 

  • Experiencing severe throbbing pain radiating till ear
  • A chipped or cracked tooth
  • Lingering sensation even when the hot or cold stimulus is removed
  • Swelling or sore tooth.
  • Deep dental caries or discoloration of tooth
  • Abraded or attrited teeth with sensitivity with hot and cold.
  • Bulky restoration over the pulp

How much does the root canal treatment cost?

The cost of the root canal treatment is not fixed. It varies based on how complex the case is and which tooth is infected. For instance, the fee to perform root canal treatment in molars is usually high because they are more difficult to access and treat. Some of the dental insurance policies can help cover the cost of root canal treatment.  

So, if you are noticing one or more of the above signs, schedule an appointment with a dentist near you and find out what procedure could be best for you. 

Porcelain OR Composite Veneers – Which Option Is Suitable For Me?

In dentistry, a veneer is a layer of material placed over a tooth. Veneers can improve the aesthetics of a smile and protect the tooth’s surface from damage. Dental veneers are a great option for those who want to improve their smile. The Best Veneers Dentist will always help you get the qualitative and durable veneers that will help you gain confidence and self-esteem along with a beautiful smile. But before you go for this option, you need to choose between composite veneers and porcelain veneers. Since this could be a difficult decision, this guide can help you choose between them.

Resin Composite Veneers

Made of composite resin, these veneers are artistically applied to your teeth directly with little to no tooth structure removal. Its application process is a less invasive procedure than its counterpart.

Porcelain Veneers

When you go for this option, your veneer dentist will take digital pictures of your smile, will asks you about your needs, which type of contour shape you would prefer. Then an impression of your teeth as porcelain veneers is custom-made for each patient through a mold in a certified lab. Sometimes, the process might take up to two weeks or more.

Once your porcelain veneers are ready, your dentist will apply them with bonding cement to the front of your teeth.

Both types of veneers have their pros and cons. So, before making a choice, you need to consider their benefits and potential downsides.

3. Gum infection

Trapped wisdom teeth can cause infections within the gum and may also form cysts, which can lead to nerve damage if not promptly taken care of. Tissue around your tooth may become hard, swollen and extremely painful.

Composite Veneers


  • They cost less than porcelain veneers.
  • Their application process can be completed the same day you visit.
  • They can cover any aesthetic issues, such as discoloration, chipped of margins or improper shape.


  • The material used for them is 5% weaker than porcelain and could chip if not maintained properly.
  • They last for maybe 7 to 10 years only.
  • They look slightly less natural.
  • They can make teeth look whiter but not with extremely darker teeth.

Porcelain Veneers


  • They are custom-made and therefore, suits your personality more.
  • They lasts for up to 20 years if taken care properly.
  • They are robust as they are made from stronger materials.
  • They can make your teeth look whiter even if your teeth are extremely darker.
  • They impart a more realistic look and thus, make your smile more beautiful.


  • They are more expensive than resin composite veneers.
  • Their application process requires at least two visits and the visits are often one to two weeks apart.
  • They involve tooth structure that needs to be shaved.

Am I eligible for Dental Veneer Treatment?

If you also have the same question in mind, the best answer could be given by only your veneer dentist based on the actual condition of your teeth. Dental veneers are designed with the goal of concealing tooth imperfections and improving your smile.

Some of the tooth imperfections might include crooked teeth, discolored teeth, stained or chipped teeth and the situations where enamel has eroded.

You need to understand that veneers can cover the part of your teeth but they are not the same as dental crowns. A dental crown is thicker and covers an entire tooth 360 degrees, i.e. front, sides, and back.

If you just want to change the appearance of your teeth, including color and shape, then dental veneers might be a good solution for you. Crowns are only suitable for more damaged teeth. In case you have a broken tooth or need a root canal, a dental crown may be a better option.

Remember that the best dental solution can be found only when you have the best veneer dentist at your side. So, do due diligence before scheduling an appointment.

5 Signs That It Is Time To Consider A Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars in the back of your mouth and are the last permanent teeth to erupt. Wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 21. A wisdom tooth extraction specialist can help you get rid of them before or after it gets painful for you.

These third set of molars are believed to be a remnant of our prehistoric days of eating raw meats and roots. We don’t need them to eat those types of food anymore, but they still come in for many people. Quite often, a wisdom tooth causes dental problems like overcrowding and infections. In such cases, it is best to get the entire tooth removed to solve the issue right from the root.

Here are a few signs that it is time to consider wisdom tooth extraction:

1. Overcrowding

Your mouth is already full of your permanent teeth when the third set of molar shows up. When wisdom teeth grow out, they can overcrowd your mouth due to lack of space. Since there is no way to place braces on the wisdom tooth or any other method to fix overcrowding, this issue is typically resolved by Wisdom Tooth Extraction Specialist.

2. Frequent cavities

The back of your mouth is a very difficult area to clean and that is where the wisdom teeth grow. Quite often, wisdom teeth are unable to break through the surface of gums and remain trapped or may be partially exposed, leaving a way for bacteria to burrow in and grow.

If you experience repeated cavities in your wisdom teeth or molars, it might be best to get them extracted instead of getting them repeatedly filled.

3. Gum infection

Trapped wisdom teeth can cause infections within the gum and may also form cysts, which can lead to nerve damage if not promptly taken care of. Tissue around your tooth may become hard, swollen and extremely painful.

4. Improper growth

Quite often, wisdom teeth grow horizontally instead of vertically. This can cause other teeth to shift, and may even damage the roots of the adjacent tooth. This could leave to severe pain and even cause infections. The alignment of your teeth could be disrupted if they grow at an angle.

5. Difficulty in eating

When the wisdom teeth are not properly aligned with their opposing teeth, they hit and grind against each other when you eat. This can wear down your teeth and may cause you extreme pain while eating. It can also lead to severe cheek bite traumatising the soft tissues causing a lot of discomfort.

If you are experiencing any of the above problems, you might need to have these third molars removed. You don’t have to worry about the pain or discomfort if you consult a wisdom tooth extraction specialist.

Benefits Of Investing In A Root Canal Treatment

Root canal, also known as endodontic therapy, is one of the dental treatment options for patients suffering from tooth decay, sensitive tooth, or severe toothache. The best root canal treatment involves the treatment of severed and exposed tooth nerves or the elimination of bacteria from the infected pulp.

With the advancement in the dental industry over the last few years, root canal therapy has gone on to become an easy and simple procedure that helps the patient combat any sort of discomfort caused by tooth decay, sensitive tooth, sore tooth, or severe toothache. Usually, a root canal therapy can be completed in a single visit if the tooth is devoid of any anatomical complications and underlying infection. For the above mentioned reasons , RCT can have multiple visits as well for achieving best results & successful treatment

The best dental clinics would ensure that their patients would get the best root canal treatment by providing an easy, effective, safe endodontic treatment that would restore their smiles.

In case you are suffering from an infected tooth, or are havinga severe toothache, there is a wide range of reasons why A Root Canal Treatment is a perfect solution to get rid of your problems. The following are some of the important benefits associated with root canal treatment to treat your infected tooth.

Prevents the spread of infection to other teeth:

Tooth decay or toothache is usually caused due to an infection on the tooth cavity. By getting the best root canal treatment, the bacteria that are responsible for this infection would be eliminated for good.

When these bacteria are removed, the tooth would be cleaned and disinfected which, consequently, would result in stopping the cause of tooth decay or toothache. When this process is complete and the infected tooth is treated appropriately, there would not remain enough room for the bacteria to spread.

Has an appealing and satisfying result:

Endodontic therapy involves treatment of the tooth nerve or pulp, which gets finished with a dental filling or a crown. This dental filling or crown provides the treated patient with a renewed and beautiful smile.

Aims to save your teeth:

This treatment is a dental option that focuses on saving your teethso that you don’t need to worry about losing any of your teeth or having a gap between your teeth. Once you are through with the root canal therapy, your tooth is bound to return to its healthy state and function like any other teeth in your mouth.

Prevents the jawbone to degenerate:

Another one of the most significant advantages of root canal treatment is the preservation of the tooth. When your teeth are preserved, your jawbone is more likely to remain intact. A missing tooth can cause jawbone degeneration over the course of the time.

If you are experiencing severe discomfort in any of your teeth, be sure to visit a reliable dental clinic and get an appointment with a dentist, and let them preserveyour tooth as well as your jawbone. Waiting for the discomfort to heal by itself would only cause more damage to you in the future.

How To Find The Right Dental Clinic For You?

In order to have a healthy lifestyle, you are required to follow certain protocols, and one of them is having healthy teeth. Who doesn’t want healthy teeth? We all desire a nice, clean, and healthy set of teeth. But you must know that just by following basic flossing tips and brushing, and other home remedies for having healthy teeth is not sufficient. As effective as these remedies might sound, they don’t give you complete protection from germs and bacteria.

The next step towards getting the proper protection is to keep visiting a reliable dental clinic at regular intervals. There are various dental diseases that you can suffer from if not diagnosed early, such as gum diseases, tooth sensitivity, cavities, and many more. So, it makes finding The Right Dental Clinic, with an experienced dentist, extremely important and vital to keep your oral health in check.

More often than not, choosing the right dental clinic can turn out to be a difficult and stressful task as any wrong decisions could have grave consequences on your teeth. In order to make your job easier, the following are some of the pointers that you must keep in mind when deciding on a clinic.


Start on the internet and search for all the clinics around your location. Make a list of the clinics that appeal to you. You also have the option to read reviews and get to know what the previous customers of the dental clinics have got to say about the quality of services that they have been provided with. Moreover, it would be better to find out their price list and be aware of the price they charge for different services.

Qualification and Experience:

One of the main things that matter is your dentist’s qualification and experience. The higher their qualification is, the better skills they are likely to possess to treat your dental problems. Besides the educational qualification, the experience of the dentist is also an aspect that needs to be taken into consideration.

Reputation of a Dentist:

It is important to have a look at the dental clinic and the dental tools that are used by the dentist in order to have an idea about the hygienic conditions of the clinic. Also, see to it if the dentist listens to his or her patients’ worries and get to know how he addresses those problems.

Use of Technology:

There have been several advancements in the field of dentistry in recent years. New kinds of equipment, chair models, medicines, and a lot of other developments are seen. An experienced dentist who doesn’t provide the patients with modern equipment is less likely to offer you with the best treatment possible. Hence, it is necessary to look for a dental clinic which offers the latest dental treatments.

If you consider all the above mentioned points while deciding on a dental clinic, you are most likely to find the right clinic for you.

Keep Your Teeth Healthy During COVID-19

In midst of COVID-19 Outbreak, good dental hygiene might not be your top priority.

But things can get worse if you develop a painful cavity andmay not be able to consult the dentist.

As you are taking care of your mental and physical health, oral hygiene is also an important thing you need to care of, especially at a time like this, when you are unable to see your dentist for routine cleaning and checkup.


For the highest level of oral hygiene, the dentists advise:

  • 1) Brushing -teeth twice daily (for 2 minutes )
  • 2)Floss-once a day.
  • 3)Non-alcohol based Mouthwash- Rinsing twice a day, which help in reducing plaque buildup.
  • 4)Toothpaste- hydroxyapatite toothpaste or fluoride-based toothpaste

1. Diet Control: In self-quarantining, it is easy to adopt a habit of excessive eating.

  • 1) To follow a standard dental care procedure at home,
  • 2) To avoid consuming food that is too hot or too cold, especially when you have tooth sensitivityor the pain will aggravate.
  • 3) To avoid eating hard foods such as, popcorn, peanut and sticky hard candy, which can crack tooth or damage the fillings.

2. Avoid Smoking:

  • 1) Smoking is destructive to oral health.
  • 2) Smoking prevents the blood supply to your gums so increases the risk of gum infection.

3. Toothbrush care:

  • 1) Toothbrush care is important because it is the easiest route to infection.
  • 2) Toothbrush comes into contact with saliva and other secretions.

4. Stop virus particle from spreading: Flushing the toilet generates aerosol spray that causes virus particles spread.

  • 1) Advised to flush with the lid closed
  • 2) Keep the toothbrush and other toiletries away from commodes.


  • 1) Are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 infections.
  • 2) Are attending emergency cases and are being extra cautious to protect themselves and you.


  • 1) Painful swelling in the mouth
  • 2) Bleeding in the mouth not stopping
  • 3) Pain in a tooth/ jaw
  • 4) Broken tooth/ filling
  • 5) Broken veneer/ crown/ dentures
  • 6) Gum infection that includes swelling or pain
  • 7) Cheeks or gums hurt from braces wires
  • 8) Broken Orthodontic Brackets/ wires
  • 9) Broken Orthodontic retainers
  • 10) Dressing change / removal of stitches
  • 11) Biopsy of abnormal tissue
  • 12) Trauma


  • 1) Maintain social distance- It’s the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection.
  • 2) Advise -Maintain good oral hygiene and follow the standard dental care procedure at home.
  • 3) Dental offices are doing their best-Any processes and counselling patients by phone or video conferencing.
  • 4) For everyone’s health-Advised to consult a dentist only in emergency cases.

Ice cream, sweets, hot tea, coffee instead of giving pleasure to your taste buds Are these giving you pain???

If you are suffering from tooth sensitivity consult with your dentist. Do not ignore!!!!!

Tooth sensitivity could happen to anyone at any age group.

Factors which lead to sensitivity are………..

1) Hard brushing

2) Consumption of acidic beverages

3) Chipping or fracture of enamel

4) Gum disease

5) Carious tooth

6) Tooth grinding habit

Traumatic bite

Just relying on tooth paste for sensitivity issue might not work for your particular case. Your dentist is the right person to tell you why you are having this problem and how to manage for you.

The treatment protocol involves

1) Prevention:- It includes stopping any further damage to natural tooth structure

2) corrective phase:- involves rectification of the problem.

Treatment options are various and wide range of treatment options can be suggested depending on diagnosis.

Usually it includes:-

1) Changing the food habits

2) Protecting the tooth from grinding

3) Closing the opened dentinal tubules

4) Laser treatment

5) Fillings

Consult your dentist to get the best option for your tooth sensitivity.

Emergency Dentist Dubai, UAE

What is a dental emergency?

Dental emergencies can have many causes, including accidents, sports-related injuries, tooth decay and infection. You may have a dental emergency if you have any of the following:

  • a traumatic injury to your mouth, jaw or teeth
  • severe pain that you cannot control with over-the-counter pain medication
  • uncontrolled bleeding
  • broken denture
  • fractured teeth
  • loss veneers and crowns
  • pain after extraction

Dental Pain

A toothache can cause horrible pain, difficulty eating, sleeping or concentrating, and should not be ignored.  A sharp, constant or throbbing pain on a single tooth can be a sign that there is something wrong, it could be tooth decay, a cavity, or gum disease. It is important to reach for professional care as soon as possible to identify the cause of the pain so it can be addressed properly.  Over the counter toothache pain killers will help alleviate pain for a short amount of time but the underlying cause of the pain will remain and will get worse as time progresses.

Broken/cracked/chipped tooth

If your tooth is broken, chipped, or cracked save any pieces and see your dentist as soon as possible. Rinse your mouth and any pieces with warm water. Apply a cold compress outside the affected area to relieve pain and keep the swelling down. If you are experiencing bleeding, apply a piece of gauze to the area until the bleeding stops. It is very important to seek professional care as soon as possible!

Fracture Filling or Crown

Most people have at least one filling or crown in their mouth. And due to the normal wear and tear, the filling or crown could fall out. . Make sure to rinse your mouth out with warm water if ever this happens to you. After that, it is wise to fill the cavity wit cotton wool . Go see the dentist as soon as you can.

About Author:

Crossroads Dental Clinic is one of the most modern clinics in Dubai and the best dental clinic in Deira having highly experienced and professional dentists. Our services include from Orthodontics to modern cosmetic dentistry like Wisdom teeth removal, braces, veneers, dental implants and Invisalign dentist services. Looking for the best dentist in Dubai for your dental concerns? Well, you found us now. Visit our Clinic near Deira City Centre and we make sure you get a world-class and painless dentist experience at the best cost in Dubai.

Pulpitis : Reversible or Irreversible

Dental pulp is the portion of the tooth that has blood vessels and nerves in it. Pulp is the core of the tooth. Pulpitis is an inflammation of the dental pulp and is the most common reason for toothache.

When the dental pulp gets irritated, the body responds by sending extra blood and defense cells to the pulp leading to an increase in volume of pulp. But the pulp doesn’t have the opportunity to expand as its surrounded by hard tooth structures like dentine and enamel.This increase in the pulpal pressure will be felt as pain by the patient.

The pulpal inflammation also makes the teeth more sensitive. For example, breathing cold air through the mouth, drinking hot drinks or chewing food can cause pain.

Pulpitis can be broadly classified as two : Reversible and Irreversible

Reversible Pulpitis

The symptoms of reversible pulpitis can range from nothing at all to a sharp pain on stimulation of tooth.

For instance, if you eat an ice cream,the cold causes a sharp pain in the tooth and it quickly goes away when you swallow. The good news is that reversible pulpitis, like its name, is reversible and it can go away if the cause of it is eliminated.

The causes of reversible pulpitis can be attrition of the tooth that reaches the dentin or a fracture of the enamel layer of the tooth which can expose the dentin or dental caries which has entered into deep layers of dentine etc.

The tooth can be restored to normal function using advanced and step by step restorative treatment which can be completed at our Crossroads Dental Clinic.

Irreversible Pulpitis

Irreversible pulpitis is a severe inflammation of the dental pulp .It occurs when the stage of reversible pulpitis has proceeded to a level where the pulp can no longer recover .It commonly occurs in patients who have neglected their routine dental check ups. The symptoms of irreversible pulpitis can range from no symptoms at all (eg:necrosed pulp) to an excruciating sudden pain. The tooth can be very sensitive to the slightest temperature changes and this sensitivity lingers with the tooth for a longer time period. Unfortunately, once an individual has irreversible pulpitis, the only option is to have root canal therapy performed or to have the tooth extracted.

In our Crossroads Dental Clinic we have our team specialized in painless root canal treatments as well as uncomplicated extractions.

So make sure to have your teeth checked often as prevention is always better than cure.

About Author:

Crossroads Dental Clinic is one of the most modern clinics in Dubai and the best dental clinic in Deira having highly experienced and professional dentists. Our services include from Orthodontics to modern cosmetic dentistry like Wisdom teeth removal, braces, veneers, dental implants and Invisalign dentist services. Looking for the best dentist in Dubai for your dental concerns? Well, you found us now. Visit our Clinic near Deira City Centre and we make sure you get a world-class and painless dentist experience at the best cost in Dubai.

Post and Core : Things to know

A post and core is a type of dental restoration required when there is an inadequate amount of sound tooth tissue remaining to retain a conventional crown. In teeth which are severly damaged by caries or fracture, the clinician will recommend for an endodontic treatment followed by a clinical visit for post and core restoration. The decision of whether or not to place a post and what technique will be used to place it depend on the particular conditions of each case.

The post is a small rod, that is inserted into the root space of the tooth and protrudes from the root a couple of millimetres. In our Crossroads dental clinic translucent fiberglass posts are used. The core replaces missing tooth structure in preparation for making a new dental crown. Normally, a dental core can be directly built up from composite materials The core is then utilized to hold a dental crown in place. The crown can be a single unit crown or a retainer crown for a dental bridge.


The tooth must first be endodontically treated. After the endodontic procedure has been completed, and the root canal(s) is/are filled with the gutta percha root canal filling material, some gutta percha is removed from the canal space, usually by a series of endodontic files that prepares and shapes the root canal. The space that exists coronal to the remaining gutta percha, called the post space, is now available to place a post. It is desirable to leave sufficient root filling material in the apical area to maintain an apical seal. This procedure does not even require local anesthesia as the tooth has long been dead after the root canal treatment and no pain is felt.

Successful post and core dentistry considers quantity and quality of tooth structure as well as the presence of adjacent teeth, occlusion, parafunction, and the need for future restorations.

About Author:

Crossroads Dental Clinic is one of the most modern clinics in Dubai and the best dental clinic in Deira having highly experienced and professional dentists. Our services include from Orthodontics to modern cosmetic dentistry like Wisdom teeth removal, braces, veneers, dental implants and Invisalign dentist services. Looking for the best dentist in Dubai for your dental concerns? Well, you found us now. Visit our Clinic near Deira City Centre and we make sure you get a world-class and painless dentist experience at the best cost in Dubai.

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